Cross Functional Innovation

SwissDIT is a partner of the Swiss Cross Innovation Network


CIN is an association for the promotion of cross-functional innovation capability and works with innovation and digitalisation managers.


  • As a think tank, we deal with issues relating to companies' ability to innovate. We offer comprehensive support through cross innovation workshops, a cross innovation lab and our platform.
  • Cross Innovation Workshop - Together with selected experts from various industries, we discuss trends and jointly evaluate the impact they have on the demand and supply side. On the other hand, we work together to develop starting points for innovative solutions in the respective context.
  • Cross Innovation Platform - The Cross Innovation Platform is a web-based software application (SaaS) that supports companies and organisations in realising innovation and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Cross Innovation Lab - We offer consulting services in the areas of "Digital Transformation", "Digital Innovation" and "Digital Services", with which we support you in finding and developing innovative, customer-centric solutions.


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